Consultation on fire safety building regs in NI opens

The Department of Finance’s consultation on proposed amendments to Part E (Fire safety) of the Building Regulations and guidance in Technical Booklet E (Fire safety) in relation to a range of building types will close on 25 September 2023.
These changes will improve life safety measures for residents and fire and rescue service personnel during a response. The consultation is seeking feedback on the introduction of two new regulations.
The first will require the provision of fire safety information at the completion of the construction stage and handover of the building prior to occupation. The second would require the installation of automatic fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers in certain types of residential buildings.
The consultation also seeks views on extending the coverage of automatic fire detection and alarms in all new dwellings to include the installation of a smoke alarm in all habitable rooms. Clarification is also proposed on the minimum fire detection and alarm system required when a dwelling is subject to extension and/or alteration work. In addition, there is new guidance in relation to smoke ventilation in the common escape routes of buildings containing flats and a series of measures to assist the fire and rescue service during any response to a fire.
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