Making SAP fit for Net Zero Report

A collaboration between CIBSE, Elementa, Levitt Bernstein, WSP, UCL, Clarion Housing Group and Etude has produced a report on the future of SAP.
Commissioned by the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, the report outlines suggestions for improvements to SAP and RdSAP to ensure that the calculation methodologies are fit for Net Zero.
Building Engineer working on low carbon solutions and housing (new builds and retrofits) across the UK are very much aware of the importance of SAP and this report starts to answer the key question of how the SAP methodology will need to evolve to support zero carbon policies and the introduction of the Future Homes Standard in 2025.
The report has 25 recommendations which are split into five key areas:
- Aligning SAP/RdSAP and its strategic objectives
- Improvement to the methodology
- Improvements to SAP/RdSAP and the ecosystem for Net Zero
- Better evaluation of energy use; and
- Support for decarbonization of heat an electricity.
By implementing the recommendations from the report will significantly assist the design and construction of net zero and low carbon homes.
For more information download:
Making SAP fir for New Zero Report