Inaccurate RBI registrations could lead to penalties, BSR warns
The Building Safety Regulator (BSR) has issued a warning that Registered Building Inspectors (RBIs) registering for work categories beyond their certified competence are being investigated and could face penalties.
Registering for categories without proper competency certification may constitute professional misconduct, said the BSR, leading to serious repercussions for both RBIs and their employers.
RBIs are responsible for ensuring their registrations align with their verified competencies, as established by independent assessment schemes. Employers, in turn, are required to verify that the registrations and competencies of their RBIs accurately reflect the work they are authorised to perform.
To avoid potential penalties, any RBIs registered for categories beyond their assessed competencies should promptly complete a Change of Circumstances form. This step helps maintain integrity in regulatory practices and ensures public safety in building inspections, added the BSR.