In April, the desert city of Dubai experienced its heaviest rainfall in 75 years. More than 142mm of rain fell in one day (the equivalent of a year and a half’s rainfall), causing flash flooding of roads and buildings.
Flood prevention is becoming an increasingly important planning issue, so what can designers, developers and planners do to mitigate flood risks, asks Nick Warburton?
CABE Built Environment Awards 2024 winner Urban design guidance: Creating places that work for women and girls from LLDC and Arup was an innovative project to understand women and girls’ interactions with their environment and perceptions of personal safety, writes Denise Chevin
Registered social housing landlord Kingdom Housing Association has accessed £50,000 of funds through the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund (provided by the Scottish government and delivered through the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations) to support customers with fuel debts.
A report from the National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) has revealed that 80% of scaffold accidents among its members are due to manual handling, slips, trips and falls from height.
Sonny White, a student with the Institute of Fire Safety Managers, has completed a study into fire alarm systems with consideration for people with sensory sensitivities
Whistleblowing in the UK construction industry is a critical aspect of the professional responsibility that engineers and technicians must understand and navigate, says James Cash
Caerphilly County Borough Council is working with housing association partners to review its allocation policy with the aim of making it easier for people to apply for social housing.
The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) has issued a warning to those overseeing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and safety product procurement after tests on non-member products highlighted the widespread availability of substandard and even dangerous items.
The A Higher Bar – Achieving a Competence-led Built Environment report from the Competence Steering Group (CSG) sets out the significant steps being made across the built environment and fire sectors in improving skills, knowledge and behaviours to drive culture change and improve the safety of buildings.
People sleeping rough in Haringey in London will be offered new supported accommodation following a financial boost of over £3m from the Mayor’s Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP).